Methodist Daily Prayer

Connecting the Church During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Prayer in the Evening


Be swift, O God, to save us.
Come quickly, Lord, to help us.

One or more sentences from scripture may follow

A prayer of penitence may be said

A Canticle, such as the Jubilate (Psalm 100) may be said

The prayer of the Evening


God and Father of all,
as this day ends
we offer up its hours in praise to you.
As we take our rest,
unite us by your Spirit,
in praise of Christ our Lord,
the Alpha and Omega,
the First and Last,
in whom we make our prayer. Amen.


O God, in whom there is no darkness,
with whom the night is as the day:
enlighten us by your presence,
that waking or sleeping
we may dwell in your peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Psalm of the Day

Scripture Reading

A Canticle such as the Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, or some other
may be said

These or some other prayers:

Christ, through whom all things were made,
sustain all creation.

Christ, exalted in the lowest and the least,
give us humility.

Christ, present in the poor and the oppressed,
fill us with compassion.

Christ, forsaken in the hungry and the homeless,
minister to them through our hands.

Christ, present where two or three are gathered,
be known among us.

Christ, present in word, sacrament and sign,
grant us your peace.

The Lord's Prayer

Lord our God,
at the ending of this day,
and in the darkness and silence of this night,
cover us with healing and forgiveness,
that we may take our rest in peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


We will lie down in peace and take our rest;
for you alone, Lord, make us dwell in safety.


Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.