Methodist Daily Prayer

Connecting the Church During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Welcome to Methodist Daily Prayer

With church buildings closed and everyone practising "social distancing", the Church is having to look to new ways of providing opportunities for worship, prayer and fellowship. This website has been set up by the Superintendent Minister of the Shropshire and Marches Circuit of the Methodist Church in Britain as a "hub" for some simple resources will help to sustain a life of prayer and worship in these difficult days.

Getting Started

First, know that prayer does not have to be complicated. Don't worry about whether you're "doing it right". You can't get it wrong! Written prayers, liturgies, music etc can all be helpful. Expressing yourself in your own words is good, too. And when you can't find any words, don't fret: God himself has you covered. (See Romans 8:26 and Hebrews 7:25)

These steps might be helpful:

  1. Find a quiet space
  2. Try to have a routine of prayer, but don't beat yourself up if you "slip".
  3. Have a go at one of the liturgies, but if they don't work for you don't be hard on yourself. Perhaps you'd be better with a podcast. Or silence.
  4. If you can say the Lord's Prayer, you can pray.

Praying With Others

All Christian prayer is prayer with others. When we pray, we pray with the church on earth and the whole company of heaven. But in these days of social isolation, hearing another voice in prayer might be even more important than usual.

Ministers in Shropshire and Marches have established a number of podcasts to support others in their prayers. They were established in the first place with local congregations in mind, but of course anyone is welcome to join in.

  • Morning Prayer
    A daily liturgy from the Methodist Worship Book, normally published at about 8am.
  • Evening Prayer
    Published daily, again following the order in the Methodist Worship Book
  • "Shalome in the Home"
    A little more informal, more or less daily prayers and reflection